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Newsletter – n°14 – September 2012


Your voice matters !

Local elected representatives, local civil servants, and anyone working with local governments have until Thursday 15 November to answer the questionnaire set up by PLATFORMA. The online survey is launched in the context of the consultation organised by the network on the future EU policy of support to local and regional authorities in partner countries.


It takes less than 10 minutes to fill out, do it immediately!


Why this consultation ?


The European Commission is refining its strategy of support to local and regional authorities in partner countries. The new policy is expected to be released early 2013, through a Communication entitled ‘Local authorities in development’. In order to inform this process, PLATFORMA is organising a consultation, endorsed by the European Commission.


In addition to the above mentioned online survey, eight round tables with local elected representatives from Europe and partner countries are being held thanks to the collaboration of PLATFORMA partners. You can find the full list of events in our calendar. It is also possible to send contributions to


Based on the round tables and on the results of the online survey, PLATFORMA will submit a report to the European Commission, which will feature programming and policy recommendations.