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Newsletter – n°14 – September 2012

News from the Secretariat

New Partnerships in Decentralised Cooperation, EDD High level panel

In the context of the European Development Days (EDD), the Barcelona provincial council is organising a High level panel on the public-private partnerships in decentralised cooperation. The event organised in collaboration with PLATFORMA, will take place Wednesday 17 October, from 16.00 to 17.30.


This session will demonstrate the importance of local and regional governments as institutions that promote economic and social dynamism and that convey development strategies.


It will highlight the growing importance of the involvement of public - private partnerships and the contributions of economic and social actors in building more inclusive and sustainable territories, by presenting and sharing relevant experiences from the EU and countries from different regions of the world.


It will provide insight to local and regional governments enabling them to build partnerships with that improve their development strategies and the results of their actions in decentralised cooperation.


The list of panellists and more information on the event are available on the EDD website.