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Newsletter – n°17 – December 2012

News from partners

Local and Regional Governments towards the Post-2015 and Habitat III agendas

Following the intensive period leading up to the definition of a new sustainable agenda in Rio+20, the international community is now defining the general development agenda for the coming decades, in the so-called Post-2015 process.


Building on the lessons learned from the MDGs, UCLG wants to advance – jointly with all the networks of local and regional governments – in setting priorities and drawing a joint roadmap to follow.


Holding a position in the Post-2015 High-level panel of eminent persons through the nomination of its President Kadir Topbas, Mayor of Istanbul, UCLG has expressed its commitment to channel the voice of the broad constituency of local and regional authorities and their diverse networks. The UCLG World Council that met in Dakar in December 2012 approved the creation of a Local and Regional Government Taskforce that will include all relevant sister organisations along with experts, and will focus on catalysts of development such as addressing inequalities, promoting participatory governance and creating the necessary conditions to provide basic services. UCLG may propose to organise the 1st meeting of the in New York, mid February.


For the New Habitat Agenda, UCLG believes that it will need to address four main issues: a) new modalities of partnership between national and local governments to assure the management of a rapidly urbanising world, and particularly metropolisation processes, b) to support cities effort to innovate, develop their economic potential and improve public services, c) to promote strategic urban planning, improve land management and build more resilient cities, d) to involve and engage citizens in local decisions. But the main concernis to shift focus from ‘what must be done’ to ‘how will key goals and targets be achieved’ and ‘who has to act and be supported’ to reach these.  Such a change in focus by UN Habitat would also contribute much to the global discussions on a post Millennium Development Goals agenda.


More information on UCLG website.