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Newsletter – n°22 – July 2013

News from partners

URB - AL III will provide a model for future European programmes

“What has been achieved with URB-AL will be reproduced in the context of a new programme addressing sustainable development, education and security. Local authorities will still have a major role in this programme” Jolita Butkeviciene said, Director of the unit for Latin America and the Caribbean, DG DEVCO, speaking about Europe-Latin American cooperation in the 2014-2020 period, at the URB-AL III concluding event.


Joan Carles Garcia Canizares, deputy councillor to Barcelona provincial council presidency, stressed that in times of crisis such as the one currently shaking Europe States have to grasp the importance of implementing decentralised policies.


The various speakers, local elected representatives and local civil servants from Latin America and Europe involved in URB-AL, underlined that the programme had enabled to change mindsets, to gain a common understanding of social cohesion public policies and to encourage South – South cooperation. Moreover thanks to the Office for Coordination and Orientation (OCO), new management models have been generated and tools and mechanisms for the implementation of public policies by the local and regional governments have been developed.


A more extensive summary of this event can be found in Spanish on the URB-AL III website.