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Newsletter – n°22 – July 2013

The world at a glance

Highlights from the CIB Working Group meeting

Gathered in Ottawa (Canada), the Capacity and Institution Building (CIB) Working Group discussed the post-2015 development framework, trade and aid, members’ activities, working programme of the group.



Local and regional governments should be able to speak credibly about the local aspects of climate change, education, peace and poverty and explain the role they can play in tackling these issues to their national governments


Trade and aid

70% of poverty reduction can be accomplished by increasing the incomes of households, whereas only 30% of poverty reduction can be achieved by redistribution and equity policies. Local and regional governments can play an important role as intermediary to promote an enabling environment. The CIB Working Group will be further exploring this field.


Members’ activities

The extractive sector, post-conflict situations and disaster management (natural and manmade) have been getting more attention from the members.

South-South cooperation is booming with associations of local and regional governments in partner countries supporting associations in neighbouring countries.


More information on the meeting is available on the renewed CIB Working Group website.