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Newsletter – n°26 – February 2014

In other news

Call for proposals: "SUDEP - Sustainable Urban Demonstration Energy Projects"

On February 26, the European Commission launched a Call for Proposals worth a total of €8.25 million for the regional programme "SUDEP - Sustainable Urban Demonstration Energy Projects”.


This Call is open to local authorities from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.


Main objective of the Call is to enable the implementation of sustainable energy actions leading to increased levels of energy savings and energy efficiency and to the deployment of renewable energy sources.


The EU will prioritize actions that are innovative in the local context, have a high degree of replicability in region and which stimulate the local economy and make the best use of locally available resources.


Grants requested under the call must fall between a minimum of €200,000 and a maximum of €1 million.


The deadline for submission of Concept Notes is 23 May 2014.


Information sessions will be held between the 24th March and 4th April 2014 in the following cities: Rabat, Tunis, Algiers, Tripoli, Cairo, Amman, Beirut, Ramallah and Tel Aviv.


Further information about this Call: Call for Proposals and further information.