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Newsletter ā€“ nĀ°29 ā€“ January 2015

News from partners

Euskal Fondoa to launch two new projects

Euskal Fondoa, the Association of local authorities from the Basque country for international cooperation, is launching a project, together with the Basque Agency for development cooperation, to support the community of the town of Suchitoto (El Salvador) in the sustainable administration of water.


The agreement between the Basque Agency and Euskal Fondoa aims to ensure the right to water to the population of Suchitoto, a town in the centre on El Salvador. In close collaboration with local organisation, this project will train and capacitate residents in the sustainable and efficient administration of drinking water.


Guided by the principle of gender equality, the project, which embraces the gender dimension, guarantees an adequate training to women as well as their equal access to the decision-making process.


By means of a second project, Euskal Fondoa will provide institutional support to the sarahouie region in West Africa.


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