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Newsletter – n°30 – February 2015

News from partners

Fons Mallorqui supports the technical team of the municipality of Oued Lao for a waste management plan

The town of Oued Lao (Morocco) currently only has a precarious dump where solid waste management is stored and burnt; this not only pollutes the air and water resources, but is also a source of infection.


The Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperación, the association of local authorities of Mallorca for International Cooperation, is collaborating with the municipality of Oued Lao for the implementation of a solid waste management plan, which will improve the quality of life of the citizens.


The association provided technical assistance to the Moroccan municipality in order to correctly assess the shortcomings of the current system and accompanied the development of solutions for the short, medium and long term. In the coming months the association will further coordinate exchanges between the Mallorqi Insular and Oued Lao municipality.


The project is carried out in collaboration with the African Development and Emergency Organisation (ADEO).