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Newsletter – n°31 – March 2015


The Policy Forum on Development and the shift towards a universal, inclusive development framework

The third Policy Forum on Development (PFD) brought together local and regional governments (LRGs), civil society representatives as well as European Institutions to discuss the key issues for the implementation and financing of the post-2015 sustainable development agenda, less than three months before the kick-off of the series of high level summits that will pave the way towards sustainable development. 


In the opening session, Ms Jacqueline Moustache Belle, Mayor of Victoria (Seychelles), UCLG Co-President and Local Authorities’ Co-Chair of the PFD, underlined the importance of a multi-layered approach to achieving democratic, peaceful and sustainable societies: this will depend on a new global governance and strong national and local ownership, as well as on accountable and capable local institutions that are responsive to the needs of the people, work to bridge inequalities, preserve sustainability and represent the collective interest of their citizens.


Presenting the latest EC Communication on the means of implementation of the post-2015 agenda, the Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, affirmed that the mobilisation of funds could never compensate bad policies, as institution building and the development of inclusive policies are key for the success of the post-2015 agenda. The EU also emphasized the need to engage with the private sector and underlined that emerging economies should continue their efforts and contribute to south-south cooperation.


Pedro Silvo Pereira, member of the European Parliament and rapporteur on Financing for Development, encouraged a stronger cooperation in the fields of international tax cooperation and tax evasion and stressed that the private sector subcribe to and respect the guiding principle of sustainable development. He likewise encouraged the EU to lead by example, reconfirming the Official Development Assistance target of 0.7%.


While participating in the session on the Global Partnership for poverty eradication and sustainable development after 2015, Mr. Hans Janssen, Mayor of Oisterwijk (the Netherlands), Rapporteur for the Committee of the Regions and Spokesperson of PLATFORMA, welcomed that, contrary to the Millennium Development Goals, local representatives have been widely included in the consultation process leading up to the Sustainable Development Goals.


Furthermore, and regarding the role played by the administration closest to citizens, representatives of local and regional governments underlined the need for fiscal decentralisation as well as the need to capacitate LRGs in mobilising resources at the local level. 


Tove Ryding, Policy and Advocacy Manager at EURODAD, insisted on enabling developing countries in the negotiation process and on how their inclusion at all levels and fora of debate, including on international financial issues, should be a reality, as also affirmed by Rapporteur Pereira.


On the second day, participants discussed the element of an enabling environment – the essential elements for civil society and local and regional governments to be able to deliver on their mandates - and how within the Policy Forum on Development, LRGs and CSOs could approach the topic from a common perspective. Finally the European Commission presented the multi-year programming (2015-2017) for the thematic programme CSO-LA, that is to say how the funds will be disbursed in the next three years, by regions, priorities and following which modalities.


The PFD followed the adoption of the EC Communication on “A Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015”, approved in February 2015. This Communication served to inform on the EU position on the means of implementation (financial and non-financial) and will lead to the adoption of the Council Conclusions in May 2015, which will define the common EU position towards the Third Financing for Development conference in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), in July 2015.


For more information on the February 2015 Communication


What is the Policy Forum on Development


The Policy Forum on Development represents a multi-stakeholder dialogue process which brings together representatives of local authorities, civil society organisations, central governments and the European Union. The Forum takes place once or twice a year and facilitates an exchange on EU development policy and programmes.


For more information on the October 2014 Policy Forum for Development