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Newsletter – n°33 – May 2015

News from partners

Partnership for better local governance

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) is working in partnership with two cities in Iraq – Diwaniyah and Duhok. The aim of the partnership is to support strengthened governance and management in the social care sector by addressing issues of service provision and service quality, accessibility, accountability, responsiveness, effectiveness, and coordination- cooperation between legislative and executive powers at the sub-national level.


The local and regional governments are preparing themselves for the probable gradual decentralisation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MOLSA). Therefore, with or without the anticipated decentralisation, there is stronger potential for peaceful dialogue as well as a more stringent and coordinated approach to provincial development in general.


“Basically politicians and organisations should decide what and how goals should be achieved. It requires trust between people and organisations as well as a continuous dialogue about progress, changing realities, and roles and responsibilities.”


- Manager of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Diwaniyah


The SKL Iraq partnership is providing support through the organisation of a process of dialogue and capacity development for local government in Diwaniyah. During the project, SKL brought together key stakeholders such as the recently established General Directorate of MOLSA and the Governorate Council, to jointly define a strategy for development of local governance.


“We have noticed how vital a continuous dialogue is, not just between central and local decision makers, but also between elected representatives and the executive organs of the province. The lack of dialogue risks creating conflicts or misunderstandings that in the end will be a threat to the most vulnerable groups.”


- Ms Zainab Al-Abedi, head of the women’s committee in the Diwaniyah provincial council.