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Newsletter – n°26 – February 2014


PLATFORMA consulted by the Parliament on the thematic programmes

Pierre Schapira called for coherence in the implementation of the development programmes of the European Commission (EC) and of the recent commitments made by the EU to local and regional authorities in development policy...

Local and regional governments for an Urban SDG

Speaking at a conference of the European Economic and Social Committee, Hubert Julien-Laferrière pleaded for local and regional governments to be a centre piece in the architecture of the post-2015 development framework...

2014 Year of Developmental Local Government

Une proposition clé de la Conférence de CLGF à Kampala en 2013 a été de désigner 2014 l'Année des gouvernements locaux acteurs du développement, de manière à mettre en évidence le rôle central joué par les autorités locales dans le développement économique et social, tel qu'énoncé...

News from partners

PACA Training in Cape Coast - Supporting Local Economic Development

The Cape Coast PACA training project was initiated by the German Association of Cities together with their partner in Ghana, the national association of local authorities (NALAG) NALAG...

Swedish municipalities get the green light for 25 international cooperation projects

Twenty-five new projects within the Municipal Partnership programme are to receive support for international cooperation at local level. The projects form part of Swedish overseas aid, funded by Sida and managed by the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)...

Spirited training kicks off Champions' work

A two-day training at the head office of VNG International in The Hague signaled the start of the advocacy efforts to be undertaken by the UCLG Champions on Development Cooperation. It proved to be an inspirational couple of days for both trainers and trainees...

Initiative worth following

Local governments’ involvement in fair trade production

The city of Ghent (Flanders’ second largest city) is embarking upon an innovative process in its international policy. The idea is to strengthen the local governments’ role (and capacities) in fair trade production processes in the South...

In other news

Call for proposals: "SUDEP - Sustainable Urban Demonstration Energy Projects"

On February 26, the European Commission launched a Call for Proposals worth a total of €8.25 million for the regional programme "SUDEP - Sustainable Urban Demonstration Energy Projects”...


Coming soon

12-14 March (Amsterdam, The Netherlands): World City Forum

20-21 March (Berlin, Germany): High-Level Symposium on “Accountable and effective development cooperation in a post-2015 era”

2-3 April (Brussels, Belgium): EU-Africa Summit:Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace

Farewell and welcome!

PLATFORMA welcomes Swati Sain Gupta, who has been appointed Coordinator. Ms. Gupta, who joined the team early January, has led multiple European development organization in Latin America, where she worked closely with decentralized governments from the north and the south in several international development projects. Having a first-hand understanding and conviction of the significant role the local and regional government should play in development processes, she will now work for strengthening their voice in the European development policy and international development agenda. Driving the work of the secretariat closer to PLATFORMA´s partners, encouraging their participation and consolidating PLATFORMA as the network of networks where partners’ development initiatives and voices are shared and enriched, will be her leitmotivs in this new endeavour. Swati Sain Gupta is replacing Sandra Ceciarini, who was the linchpin in the creation of the network and who, as director, worked hard to establish its legitimacy on the European stage. Sandra Ceciarini is embarking on a new adventure and we wish her all the best in her new activities!