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Newsletter – n°30 – February 2015


A new global partnership: European Commission approves Communication to deliver on the post-2015 development agenda

On 5 February 2015, the European Commission approved a Communication, entitled “A Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015”...

PLATFORMA welcomes ten new partners

PLATFORMA is thrilled to announce the network’s expansion; bringing together now 34 partners with a diversity of know-hows and experiences,

News from partners

Georgian local authorities and civil society: joint efforts to strengthen local governance

The National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALAG), in collaboration with the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA), is carrying out a project to further reinforce the participation of civil society in the local decision-making processes...

Fons Mallorqui supports the technical team of the municipality of Oued Lao for a waste management plan

The town of Oued Lao (Morocco) currently only has a precarious dump where solid waste management is stored and burnt; this not only pollutes the air and water resources, but is also a source of infection...

The world at a glance

Debate on the means of implementation of the Agenda post-2015 in the UN

After the conclusion of the consultation phase, the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development framework have begun in the General Assembly of the United Nations...


Coming soon

10 March (Barcelona, Spain): Agora of the Cities, organised by DIBA in collaboration with GOBERNA; consult the event webpage


18 - 20 March (Bilbao, Spain): Culture and Sustainable Cities Summit, organised by UCLG; consult the event webpage


24 March (Brussels, Belgium): 10 Years of Shared Agenda between Latin American and European Local Governments, organised by DIBA and the Committee of the Regions; consult the event webpage


19 May (Orleans, France): European Conference, organised by AFCCRE.

What we think, know, believe is of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do!

In February not only has PLATFORMA increased in size, but the network has also recently received a green light to become a partner in the European Year for Development, and will begin contributing a local and regional perspective to the official website of the Year. The potential of the EYD2015 has to be promoted, as this European-wide campaign, which has global aspirations, aims to foster knowledge, encourage action and raise awareness on how sustainable, inclusive development is a joint responsibility and represents an opportunity for all, which cannot be undermined at a time when world leaders are discussing and are due to adopt the sustainable development objectives and the universal climate agreement. In the face of this change, the efforts made by our members to play a determining role in the world stage must also be saluted: whether it be defending the vision and role of local and regional governments in the intergovernmental negotiations taking place in New York, being engaged and contributing in the creation of a climate roadmap for the local level leading up to the COP21, and overall playing an active part in the fostering of local democratic governance and supporting the empowerment of their equals around the world.