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Newsletter – n°46 – December 2016


5 recommendations to strengthen the local dimension in the revised EU Consensus on Development

The European Commission presented at the end of November a communication on the new European Consensus on Development. The recognition of local and regional governments and decentralisation is very positive but it should not remain an isolated acknowledgement!

News from the Secretariat

Join the towns and regions in development cooperation!

PLATFORMA is looking for a Policy officer who will be responsible to raise the profile of decentralised cooperation! Application until 3 Junary 2017.
Europe’s towns and regions are active in development cooperation establishing partnerships with their counterparts on other continents on issues such as climate change, gender equality, good governance, health, transport, education...

At COP22 towns & regions called for a better access to targeted funding

PLATFORMA and its partners were present at COP22 in Marrakesh, and particularly at the Climate Summit for Local and Regional Leaders, on 14 November. Participants to COP22 had the mandate to decide on the action agenda to implement the Paris Agreement which entered into force on 4 November.

12 cities took part in the first European Days of Local Solidarity

The first edition of the European Days of Local Solidarity (EDLS) run from 12 to 24 November and featured participation from cities and towns in Italy, France, Catalonia, the Basque Country, Extremadura and Latvia.

News from partners

CEMR: European towns and regions have a new President

The president of Emilia-Romagna region, Stefano Bonaccini, was elected president of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) at the occasion of the CEMR Policy Committee held on 12 December in Maastricht. As CEMR president, he will represent 130,000 cities, towns and regions federated through 60 national associations from 42 European countries.

Empowering local governments to localize the SDGs

The 2nd High-Level Meeting (HLM-2) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) took place from the 29th of November to the 1st of December in Nairobi, Kenya. The GPEDC brings together a wide array of state and non-state stakeholders, making it a unique development platform.

EDLS: “Virtuous models can be built on local realities”

Within the first edition of the European Days of Local Solidarity, the Italian Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AICCRE) has organized and hosted at its premises in Rome a 5-day open doors with conferences, debates, exhibition corners, videos and exchange of knowledge among civil society organizations, experts, citizens and policy makers.

Catalan public administrations want to foster a common response to refugee crisis

At the end of November, the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona City Council, the Province of Barcelona, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the Catalan Fund for Cooperation Development have signed an agreement to jointly address the on-going refugee crisis in the Mediterranean. The first activity under the agreement will consist of a contribution of €730,000 to the United Nations Program for Development’s (UNDP) office in Lebanon.

The 2nd Franco-Beninese “Assises” of decentralized cooperation revitalize the partnerships between territories

From 4 to 5 November, the City of Cotonou hosted the 2nd Franco-Beninese “Assises” of decentralized cooperation, which brought together nearly 300 participants, including representatives from 15 French communities and 67 Beninese municipalities (out of 77), as well as representatives of Belgian local and regional governments' associations.

Migrants need a strategic vision and cooperation!

A conference on the EU policies on migration was held on 24th October in Turin, organised by the Italian Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AICCRE), the International Training Centre of the ILO in collaboration with the Piedmont Regional Council - Regional Committee for Human Rights. It was entitled “Just along the border: Europe of rights, Europe of walls”.

The world at a glance

Local economic development shows positive impact in West Africa

Using local economic development as an approach to tackling poverty and encouraging sustainable development is having a positive impact on communities in West Africa, according to the results of Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF)’s work with national and local governments in the region.

Initiative worth following

Uraia 2017 workshop - Transparency and accountability

In 2017, Uraía will organize its annual "Citizenship Series" in Madrid, on February 8-10th, in partnership with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities (FEMP), on "Transparent and accountable cities: innovative solutions for municipal management and finance."

In other news

Fully funded City-to-City Learning Exchange Opportunities available

UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction at Incheon (UNISDR ONEA-GETI) offer three fully-funded City-to-City learning exchange opportunities. Each exchange includes a maximum of two local authorities and therefore six in total are to be selected.



2016 is almost over… What a year for PLATFORMA!

In 2016, the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) we signed with the European Commission genuinely kick in: this year was about events, conferences, summits, exchanges, studies across Europe and around the world, with you and thanks to you. 2016 was also about migration & refugees, SDGs and their localisation, climate change, Habitat III conference, the revision of the Consensus on Development…

In 2016, we launched so many projects with you that we already know that 2017 will be very busy!

In this last newsletter for 2016, you will learn more about the successful first European Days of Local Solidarity, our involvement at COP22 and the last news from the network.

There will be no PLATFORMA newsletter in January, therefore, from all of us here: have a nice Xmas break and Happy new year 2017 around decentralised cooperation!