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What we do > Structured Dialogue

14 months after Commissioner Piebalgs opened the debate, the dialogue on the involvement of LRA and CSO in the EU Development policy has been closed in Budapest last 17-19 May with encouraging propositions coming from the Commission.


Commissioner Piebalgs declared that results of the Structured Dialogue will be reflected in the positions of the EC for the next multi annual financial framework and for the High level forum on aid effectiveness of Busan in December 2011. He committed to publishing a communication on the dialogue between the EC, LRA and CSO at the beginning of 2012 to ensure this exercise will be taken forward with a strong political basis.


PLATFORMA represented local and regional authorities all along the working groups and the regional seminars organised during the process. In the closing conference PLATFORMA was represented by 8 members of the network, carrying recommendations into the plenary and during thematic workshops. The workshop organised by PLATFORMA, “What is a partnership approach based on the local/regional level? Experiences of cooperation between local/regional governments and NGOs” gathered around 50 participants.


Site of the Structured Dialogue (EC)


You will find under useful documents the written contributions of PLATFORMA to these working groups.


For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat.