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United Cities France

Cités Unies France gathers the French territorial communities involved in international cooperation; over 3000 communities engaded 6000 decentralised cooperation projects with local authorities in 115 countries. The first activity of Cités Unies France is the coordination of 'country groups' and 'thematic groups' allowing the communities working in the same country or on the same topic to share, to capitalise experiences and to give impetus to common actions. The European institutions committee of Cités Unies France is the interface between the French territorial communities and the European Union. It is meant to defend and explain the international action of the territorial communities towards the European Union and to render the European Union more accessible to the communities. The European institutions committee supports its members with the drafting of European grant applications, proposes training sessions and insures regular information on calls for proposals. The committee aims to render these programmes accessible to all decentralized cooperation projects.