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Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

SMO ČR (Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic) is a voluntary, apolitical and non-governmental organisation founded as an interest group of towns and municipalities. SMO ČR is a partner to governmental and parliamentary political representation and therefore participates in the preparation and creation of draft legislative measures in areas pertaining to the competencies of municipalities. One of its objectives is to promote cooperation between local authorities and their organisations at the international level, with particular focus on Eastern Europe. The activity of SMO ČR is primarily based on the active participation of mayors, lord mayors and municipal representatives who, beyond the framework of their duties, are also devoted to general self-government issues. The Secretariat of the Union has been providing development assistance since 2014. SMO ČR associates approximately 2,500 municipalities and towns. They represent more than 70% of the total population of the Czech Republic.