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Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova

CALM is an apolitical organization and was registered as a non-commercial association on 10 May 2010. Its purpose is to represent all local authorities of Moldova. CALM is constituted by territorial administrative units organized under the law as towns and villages and by their professional associations. This level of membership provides both capacity and political consolidation. CALM is a major partner in the negotiations on decentralization, providing effective support to local authorities and full participation in the network of local governments in Europe. We believe that the challenges we face are shared and local authorities can be better addressed through a joint effort in which the common interest is the ulterior motivation. Cooperation can intervene before conflict. In this respect, unity in action of CALM provides all local authorities and their associations, a unique opportunity to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and as a source of support based on their needs and priorities. CALM was established to reflect the commitment of all local authorities to follow the spirit and principles of partnership and good governance as stipulated in the European Charter of Local Self-Government, and to show that local democracy and community interests can be brought by consensus based on mutual respect.