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Newsletter – n°15 – October 2012

News from partners

Regions and Federated States in the processes of regional integration


Economic disparities are constantly growing between continents, between countries of these continents, and even more dramatically at the sub-national level, especially in emerging countries and between urban and rural areas. Development processes of countries usually lead to a concentration of resources and wealth production, especially in coastal areas or areas connected with the global network, cities in particular.


The consequences of these growing disparities between regions can lead to economic and social tensions, to marginalisation and impoverishment of large parts of the population, to massive migrations to overcrowded and under-equipped cities and to food security and environmental risks.


States seek therefore for coordinated solutions, through the establishment of regional integrations, mostly in the field of economic development, conceived as “gateways” to global integration, to counterbalance the negative effects of globalisation and maximise its benefits.


The Organisation of Regions United/FOGAR (Global Forum of Associations of Regions) has undertaken, with the support of the European Commission, a study concerning the implication of Regions and Federated States in the processes of regional integration at the continental and sub continental levels.


Some recommendations have been made, mainly aiming at strengthening the role of sub-national authorities and their associations in continental and sub-continental integration processes.


You can download the study on ORU/FOGAR website.