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Newsletter – n°10 – April 2012


PLATFORMA policy position adopted in Florence

At the Florence Forum, which brought together more than 120 local elected representatives, experts on development cooperation, civil society members and representatives of the EU institutions, PLATFORMA adopted a declaration underlining the network’s position on the Commission proposals concerning the orientation and the instruments of the European development policy for the next multiannual financial framework (2014-2020), which will be discussed at the European Parliament during the next three months. In the declaration, local and regional elected officials and representatives of local and regional authorities in Europe call, among other things, for support for decentralisation and local governance being made a cross-cutting priority in all European programmes for development and for the EU to strengthen the political dialogue with local and regional authorities and with civil society organisations, particularly by insuring a regular exchange between the EU delegations and the local and regional authorities and their representative associations at the level of each partner country. Finally, PLATFORMA called the European Parliament and the EU Council to adopt the Commission proposal to maintain the programme “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities” and to increase the programme budget from 1.3 billion to 2 billion euro for the 2014-2020 period.


The declaration is now being disseminated by the Secretariat to the EU institutions, and by the PLATFORMA partners to their national governments. At the following links you can find the complete document in Frenchand English.