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Newsletter – n°47 – February 2017

News from partners

The Province of Barcelona supports Lebanon municipalities in Bekaa region

The first meeting of the technical assistance project to municipalities of the Bekaa region (Lebanon) for the management of the Syrian refugee crisis was launched last week.

This initiative, led by the Province of Barcelona (Diputació de Barcelona) and UCLG-Lebanon will be developed in the Bekaa region, which has been heavily affected by the Syrian refugee crisis. It will take place in particular in the Federation of municipalities of Al Sahl (FMAS), which brings together 12 municipalities and takes a significant number of refugees in its territory, surpassing sometimes three times the number of native population.

The project aims to strengthen the FMAS’ municipal institutions by improving the capacities of the local elected officials and by increasing young people’s participation in local governance, in order to create a space for dialogue and promote peace and coexistence. Apart from these young people that come from different municipalities and communities of the region, young Syrian refugees will also be involved in the activities.

This project, promoted by the Province of Barcelona, will also count on the active participation of the Catalan municipalities of Granollers, Terrassa and Sabadell, which will contribute to the project by providing added value through technical assistance to the Lebanese municipalities.