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Newsletter – n°34 – June 2015

Initiative worth following

Changing the European Neighbourhood Policy: Focus on the Eastern Partnership

Local and regional governments (LRGs) shall assume an important role in the Eastern Neighbourhood, where more security, stability, peace, prosperity and sustainable development can be achieved through an intensified cooperation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries.


In the framework of the Latvian Presidency and the consultation launched by the European Commission “Towards a new European Neighbourhood Policy”, PLATFORMA and the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments (LALRG) organised a conference Changing The European Neighbourhood Policy: Focus on the Eastern Partnership, held in Riga (Latvia) on the 18th of June.


The conference gathered local and regional elected representatives, and associations of LRGs, from the Eastern Partnership countries and from the EU Member States to discuss the new European Neighbourhood Policy (Session 1) and the financial support for local and regional governments and international cooperation (Session 2).


During the first session, participants acknowledged the role of the EU in fortifying regional cooperation among Eastern Partnership countries in an ever-changing geopolitical context. Participants also suggested to open the programme “Europe for the Citizens” to the Eastern Partnership countries. This programme, which aims at getting citizens involved for a greater democratic engagement and civic participation could be a way to strengthen town twining and network of towns from the Eastern Partnership countries. This session also provided a unique opportunity to local and regional governments of the Eastern Partnership countries to feed into the consultation launched by the European Commission.


The second session aimed at increasing participants’ knowledge of funding opportunities from European institutions, sharing experiences other LRGs have made with funding programmes. It also enabled them to exchange directly with officials from European institutions and experienced peers. The need to reinforce the role of associations as partners in negotiations was put forward as well as the importance of building bridges to strengthen partnerships and develop local economy. Indeed, the discussions highlighted that the challenge is now to strengthen regional cooperation, especially cross-border cooperation among the Eastern partnership countries.




Designed in 2003, the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) has the objective to bring Europe and its neighbours closer, to their mutual benefit and interest. It is based on the values of democracy, rule of law and respect of human rights and thus works towards strengthening the prosperity, stability and security of in the region.


The EU is currently revising the Neighbourhood Policy and adapting its approach to the newly arising tasks in the Eastern partnership. Considering the crucial contributions that local and regional governments can make in handling emerging political, economic, social and environmental challenges, their role in the new Neighbourhood policy need to be secured and strengthened. The consultation on the ENP, and PLATFORMA’s conference therefore represented an occasion for LRGs to raise their voices, be part of shaping the EU’s actions in the Eastern Neighbourhood.