>> Strategic Interest Groups

Public Management

Public Management

SIG 11: Public and Non-Profit Management


The Public and Non-Profit Management SIG aims at providing an authoritative and internationally focused forum to discuss major developments in the area of governance, organization and management of public interest activities.


The focus on public interest allows embracing all organizations pursuing it, be they public, non- or for-profit. These operate in healthcare, culture, education, utilities sectors and key issues include network management, performance evaluation, organization, and HRM, social innovation, social responsibility and accountability, stakeholder management and citizen participation.


Papers presented at annual conferences and SIG winter workshops are selected for publication in the International Journal of Public Sector Management and edited books, such as the Emerald Series "Studies in Public and Non-Profit Governance".


Our standing tracks portfolio includes:


·         Public and Non-Profit Management General Track: welcomes papers dealing with the multiplicity of management and governance arrangements promoting the public interest.

o   Track Chairs: Denita Cepiku (denita.cepiku@uniroma2.it), S. Robert Hernandez, Stephen Osborne, Reto Steiner, Riccardo Mussari, Andrea Bonomi Savignon


·         Management Research in Healthcare Organizations: critical outcomes (patient safety and satisfaction); workforce management; evidence-based decision making; strategies addressing budget reductions; systems’ thinking.

o   Track Chairs: S. Robert Hernandez (hernande@uab.edu), Stefan Kunz, Stefano Calciolari


·         Governance of Public and Non-Profit Organisations: governance systems, mechanisms, and roles in public and non-profit organizations.

o   Track Chairs: Fabio Monteduro (fabio.monteduro@uniroma2.it), Alessandro Hinna, Luca Gnan


SIG Officers


SIG chair:

Denita Cepiku, University of Rome Tor Vergata cepiku@economia.uniroma2.it


Programme chair:

Andrea Bonomi Savignon, University of Rome Tor Vergata bonomi.savignon@economia.uniroma2.it


SIG chair in charge of DC and EECC link:

S. Robert Hernandez, University of Alabama at Birmingham hernande@uab.edu


SIG chair in charge for overall academic quality:

Riccardo Mussari, University of Siena mussari@unisi.it


SIG chair in charge of publication strategies:

Reto Steiner, University of Bern reto.steiner@kpm.unibe.ch


SIG chair in charge for innovation and development:

Stephen Osborne, University of Edinburgh Stephen.Osborne@ed.ac.uk


SIG Officer:

Patrizio Monfardini, University of Cagliari monfardini@unica.it


SIG Officer:

Alessandro Hinna, University of Rome Tor Vergata alessandro.hinna@uniroma2.it